Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Chief Is Back

Yo Yo Yo I'm back baby! Time to get my blog on! Some of you might be wondering "Patrick what the F bro where you been, how could you leave me all high and dry without any sweet blogs." I know... I know... it was unfair of me to leave my little blog children unattended for so long. I apologize, but I had a good reason I met a girl online and we started a bit of a romance. She was a fellow blogger like myself(all the cool ones are doing it). She read my blogs and started sending me messages and I read her blogs and responded to her messages. Iit was love at first blog I tell you. She wrote the cutest blog about kittens in everyday situations as if they were people. It was quite the social commentary my friends.

Long story short, it turned out she lived over on the other side of the pond in jolly old England. So the heart wants what the heart wants and I took an extended leave of absence from my first love the Kemosabe Cafe and traveled abroad to see my broad. It was a whirl wind of emotions. I was living a bohemian life style with no job, love was my career. I put down the computer and picked up a note book and pen. I stopped writing blogs and started writing poetry.

It was a fun romp, but something was missing I felt an itch I couldn't quite scratch, and it was starting to spread. It was actually a rash I developed while I was over there, it was a stress rash the doctor told me. I was so stressed about not doing anything remotely important. I missed my first love... being the big chief at the Kemosabe Cafe.

I packed my bags and hoped on the first plane back. I told my kitty mistress that we were destined only to be blog mates. That didn't go over so well, but I hope sometime in the future I will see her again as one of my blog followers.

The Chief is back and keeping his head down



They say a blog picture can say a thousand words and this one tells me she is not ready to forgive me yet.


  1. Could you put me in touch with that two piece cool cat band? I'd love to do a video for them.

  2. I'll put in a request with their management for you, but I hear they have a few more tour dates in Japan before they're back.
